
The community culture, which is student-based and progressing under their management, has become a club order as the studies reach national and international dimensions over time. In terms of this process and the introduction of the general vision, it is of great importance to convey the mission and management correctly.

The Economics Students Congress, which was first conducted by Ege University in our country, has been taken as a precedent and has the feature of being the most dynamic and innovative congress in this field by improving its content and quality.

The congress, which is carried out by the Genç Ekonomistler® Club, is also a brand-patented study. In order to make the organization a national & international brand, a trademark patent was obtained by the club management for 10 years with its own means. In particular, the congress is held under the name of ” Genç Ekonomistler® ” in order to ensure the continuity of the congress over the years and to continue the active work of the club, which has achieved success many times with academic activities. It is the most comprehensive study in its field with compulsory academic courses in order to improve brand value and contribute to students socially. From the beginning to the end, the whole process was carried out in a transparent structure and it was difficult to replace with a structure that was organized by the students. In addition, the organization of many scientific sessions with the participation of members of the scientific committee and invited speakers at the international level has created a rich academic video archive.

In this context, in the congress held for the first time in 2018; It was held with a total of 86 participants who participated with 64 papers and 78 listeners from outside the city. With the participation of the students registered in our university, it was carried out successfully with a total of 563 participants (registration information was obtained). In addition, the congress aims to bring academia and business world together; also included the evaluations of business people in the presentations. At this point, the participation of 17 business people was ensured and an interactive session was created. Also, Dr. Yaşar Erdinç, Mert Yılmaz, Beste Naz Köksal, Prof. Metin Sarfati, Prof. Derya Güler Aydın and Prof. Yaşar Uysal took part in the congress as an invited speaker.

In the congress held for the second time in 2019; it was held with a total of 88 participants who participated with 56 papers and 96 listeners from abroad. With the participation of the students registered in our university, it was carried out successfully with a total of 604 participants (registration information was obtained). In addition, the business world continued its active role with the participation of 12 business people at the congress. Also, Prof. Veysel Ulusoy and Asst. Prof. Erhan İşcan took part in the congress as an invited speaker.

In the congress held for the 3rd time in 2020; out of 117 abstracts, 83 were accepted and 56 full texts were received. In the congress, whose date was postponed due to the pandemic, 25 full texts were attended and it was made online to be broadcast live on Zoom/YouTube. These broadcasts were followed live by 1318 people (the highest number in the live broadcast process). Also, Prof. Hasan Kazdağlı, Asst. Prof. Caner Özdurak and Beste Naz Süllü took part in the congress as invited speakers.

In the congress held for the 4th time in 2021; out of 118 abstracts, 68 were accepted and 27 full texts were received. Within the scope of the congress, sessions were held in panel format on 5 special themes with 20 academicians who are members of the Scientific Committee on May 19, 2021 in order to be a scientific holiday festival. In the congress, 27 papers were presented in 7 separate sessions by 32 different participants. Our congress was broadcast live online on Zoom/YouTube for 3 days due to the pandemic. These broadcasts were followed live by 5181 people (live broadcast viewers). Also, Prof. Ufuk Akçiğit, Assoc. Prof. Evren Çelik Wiltse, Dr. Mahfi Eğilmez and Dr. Atilla Yeşilada was an invited speaker.

In the congress held for the 5th time in 2022; out of 79 abstracts, 27 were accepted and 20 full texts were received. Congress; It started with 9 seminar lessons and opening speeches on 19 May 2022 in order to be a scientific holiday festival; 34 sessions within the scope of 18 special themes in a total of 4 days were held with the presentations of 30 Scientific Committee member academicians. In addition to the scientific committee seminars, 20 papers were presented in 5 separate sessions by 22 different participants. During the broadcasts, it was broadcast live online on YouTube and was followed live by 8083 people (live broadcast audience). Also, Prof. Şebnem Kalemli – Özcan, Prof. Erdem Başcı, Prof. Gülçin Özkan, Prof. Hasan Kazdağlı, Prof. Aylin Seçkin, Assoc. Prof. Serdar Özkan and Asst. Prof. Orkun Saka was an invited speaker.

In the 6th congress held in 2023; 61 of 97 abstracts were accepted and 18 full texts were received. The congress started on May 19, 2023 with 6 seminar lectures and opening speeches in order to be a scientific holiday festival; In total, 11 seminar lectures, 5 paper presentation sessions and 18 sessions with opening and closing speeches were held on 3 days with the presentations of 33 Scientific Committee members. In addition to the seminars, 18 papers were presented by 17 different participants in 5 separate sessions. During the broadcasts, it was broadcast live online via YouTube and was followed live by 9104 people (live stream viewers). Prof. Ayşe İmrohoroğlu, Prof. Mine Çetinkaya Rundel and Assoc. Prof. Yasemin Dildar took part as invited speakers.


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