R&D Expenditures and the Effect of Human Capital on Growth
ORNEK, Ahmet
….. University
After the Second World War efforts to provide mutual advantage of Nations, human capital policy on educating qualified individuals has changed. Especially in the 1980s, the popularity of endogenous growth models, have attached great importance to research and development activities to strengthen their economies. The main objectives of these countries is to make economic growth sustainable. Correct and efficient use of the resources in their hands in this are required.
Also conducted literature reviews of economic efficiency increase can be achieved with the technology of the level of development in the country and in order to get access to R & D activities suggests that you should give importance to. In this study, especially the growth of some OECD countries between 1990 and 2015, which is the age of technology the relationship has been investigated by using panel data.
Key Words : R&D activities , Economic Growth
Jel Classification : O15, O30, O32
[1] Ahmet Örnek, …… University, … Faculty, … Department, …. Class, ahmetornek1234@gmail.com , +90 555 555 55 55