The Rules to Follow in the Papers
- Scholarly, contextual, lingual and legal responsibility of the papers published in the journal belongs to the author(s) of the paper in question.
- The papers should be written on one side of an A4 paper with 2,5 cm margin on right and left sides of page and 5 cm margin on the bottom and top of the page. 11 point Calibri should be used and a 1.15 space should be left between the lines. Page numbers should be placed on the right lower corner. The whole of the paper, together with the abstract and bibliography, should not exceed 25
- The title should be written with bold and capital letters in 14 point in the language of the paper.
- The title should be followed by an abstract of the paper and key words (3-8 words). If the paper is Turkish, the title, abstract and keywords should also be written in English. If the paper is written in a foreign language, the second title should be Turkish and Turkish abstract and key words should take place below the title. The abstract should be written in 11 point and a 1.15 space format.
- The title, name and surname of the author(s) should be written in the middle below the title. The sign (*) should be placed at the end of the names to describe the institution, address and e-mail address of the author(s) at the bottom of the first page.
- The papers should be written in accordance with the above guidelines and titles and subtitles should be written with a 1,25-cm indent. The main topic and sub-topics of the paper should be numbered as 1., 1.1, 1.1.1 and The title in the first level should be wholly written in capital letter. The first letters of all the words of the titles in the other levels should be written in capital letter and the others in small letters; they should all be in 10-point and bold. Numbering shall be done in all the titles, including those of the introduction and conclusion parts.
- The writings in tables and figures should be written with single space and within the limits of the text. Title of the table should be numbered and given just above the top of the table in such a way as to give the content of the table. If the title of the table requires a second line, it should be aligned with the table number. If the table has been transferred from another paper, the reference should be given below the table. Reference: Surname of the author, Date of publication: The number or interval of the pages that contain the table (Reference: Solak, 2006: 25- 26).
- Table should be made just by using horizontal lines. The same is true of the figures, as well. The title of the figure should be numbered and given below the figure in such a way as to give the content of the figure. If the figure has been transferred from another paper, the reference should be given below the figure as follows (Reference: Solak, 2006: 12).
- References should be shown within the text. If the quotation is taken from the reference without any change in it, namely in the same way as it is in the original, the whole of the quotation should be given in quotation marks. If the quotation is longer than a few sentences, it should be written in 10-point with a 1,25-cm indent from the right and left. Some examples concerning the references and quotation are given below:
Quotation from a single author: …………. küresel dünya sisteminde hakim olan güç merkezleri, kendi gerçeklerini genelleştirip evrensel insan gerçekleri haline getirmekte (Wallerstein, 2000: 206).
Quotation from two authors:………..gerekli olduğu düşünülen/tartışılan kişilik özellikleriyle ilgili yoğunlaşma göze çarpmaktadır (Bayraktaroğlu and Kutaniş, 2003: 45).
Quotation from more than one author: …………… yapılacak yardıma ilişkin yeni öneriler sunan fikir sahipleri, sosyal girişimcilere örnek olarak verilebilir (Thompson et al., 2000: 328-338).
Quotation from more than one reference: ……………. insan ilişkileriyle ilgili ilk çalışmalar Hawthorne Çalışmalarıyla ortaya konulmuştur (Etzioni, 1964: 32; Sofer, 1972: 64).
- Showing the references in the bibliography should be made as follows:
Referring a book:
Eroğlu F. (2006). Davranış Bilimleri, 7. Baskı, Beta, İstanbul.
Referring a book that has been translated:
Salam M.A. (1990). Güneyin Gelişmesinde Bilim, Teknoloji ve Bilim Eğitimi Üzerine Notlar, (Çev: O. Düzgüneş), Kültür Bakanlığı Yayınları/1261, Bilim ve Teknoloji Yayınları Dizisi-5, Ankara.
Referring an article:
GebrekidonD.A.,&G.B.Awuah(2002).“Interorganizational Cooperation: A New View of Strategic Alliances: The Case of Swedish Firms in the International Market”, Industrial Marketing Management, 31/8, pp: 679-693.
Referring a part in an edited book:
Nohria Nitin (1996), “Is a Network Perspective a Useful Way of Studying Organizations?”, Network and Organizations: Structure, Form, and Action, (Ed: N. Nohria and R.G. Eccles), Harvard Business School Press, Boston.
Referring an article published in a symposium book:
Muller, A. L., & Ryan, R. M. (2001). The mind’s outer eye. In Alaska Symposium on Perspectives. Vol. 43: Perspectives on perspective (pp. 237-288). Fairbanks: University of Alaska Press.
Referring an article presented in a conference but not published:
Shimahara, N. K. (1983, November 18). Mobility and education of Buraku: The case of a Japanese minority.. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Chicago.
Referring an unpublished dissertation:
Roberts, M. B. (2001). Land use and the law.. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Illinois.
Referring an article on internet:
Lessing, J. P. (2001). The physics of cultural magnets. Journal of Anthropological Studies, 8, 273-299. Retrieved July 3, 2002, from http://
Referring an internet document:
Petrie Environmental Watch Center. (2002). Recent conservation legislation.. Retrieved August 3, 2002, from http://www.petriecenter. org/landuse/legislation/2.htm.